QRP Projects
Building Baluns for shortwave working and other useful things for Ham Radio…
Take a TourMy special projects…
for more Info – check out Equipments, Antennas, projects and my blog
Some of my Highlights, there are plenty more
Here you can find my self-built baluns and the results of how they work.
my antenna switches, check out my blog.
I build my antennas for UHF, VHF and shortwave. Applications usually for QRP.
parallel wire
my findings to the construction of parallel wire can be found under Projects.
Power supply
area specifically for the QRP I finished voltage converter.
in my blog you can find some more projects on various topics.
My latest topics here…

Dummyload 100 Watt

Antenna Tuner – 100 Watt – L-Network – balanced/unbalanced – SWRbridge

Installation Pi-Star mit einem Raspberry PI 3B Plus für DMR als Hotspot

Automatic Antenna Tuner 7×7 (ATU-100 mini by N7DDC)

Antenna Disconnect System | safe your TRX

HF Generator

Dummyload 100 Watt

Antenna Tuner – 100 Watt – L-Network – balanced/unbalanced – SWRbridge

Installation Pi-Star mit einem Raspberry PI 3B Plus für DMR als Hotspot

Automatic Antenna Tuner 7×7 (ATU-100 mini by N7DDC)

Antenna Disconnect System | safe your TRX