There is a reason why the T network tuner has enjoyed more popularity than an L network tuner. First, the advantage to an L network tuner as opposed to... read more →
Pico Balun - 1:1 or 4:1 Balun Kit Complementing our growing range of light-weight products, the Pico Balun is sure to be popular. A high frequency transformer using a... read more →
Antenna Winder for SOTA I have spent some time searching for the ideal way of winding up antenna wire for use in the field. These special winders are just about... read more →
Ab und zu kommt immer wieder die Frage: Was sind denn die Unterschiede zwischen einer vertikalen und einer horizontalen Antenne? oder Welche Polarisation soll ich wählen ? Die Antwort... read more →
3 verschiedene Beispiele für Schaltungen von Antennenkoppler: symetrischer Antennenkoppler unsymetrischer Antennenkoppler Dies sind 3 simple/einfache Anregungen für die Schaltung eines Antennenkopplers. Einfach mal ausprobieren. [vc_row type="standard_section" bg_image="" bg_repeat="stretch" parallax_bg=""... read more →
For my SOTA activities i build a small Antenna-Tuner with PI-network. I opted for a T-80 2 Ameridon and 0.5 mm2 copper wire. 2x variable capacitators 140pF + 60pF -... read more →
Backpacker balun kit These small, lightweight baluns are perfect for field/portable antenna deployments. The kits are simple to assemble, and can be configured to provide your choice of a 1:1,... read more →
In the beginning was the idea: how can I realize a good and strong signal on 80m Band. I opted for the following configuration: 88m long wire in about 12m... read more →
VHF - Tonna 10 Element Yagi (2m) | UHF - Tonna 19 Element Yagi (70cm) - horizontal
Anzahl Bezeichnung Artikel-no. Anmerkungen Kosten/Stück 1 Feuchtraumdose - Baumarkt 3,00€ 4 Kabelverschraubungen PG7 527106-11 Conrad, zur Befestigung der Alurundstäbe 0,88€ 1 Kabelverschraubung PG11 527713-62 Baumarkt, Conrad, zur Befestigung... read more →