The 817 escort is the Ultimate Tactical Carrier for the Yaesu FT-817ND amateur radio (also fits FT-817) . It adds front panel protection, a tilting stand and quick release carrying strap capability in the front or rear. The 817 escort includes the side panels, tilting stand , 2 matching color... read more →
Die Phasenleitung verbindet die beiden Speise-Dipole miteinander. Die Drehrichtung der zirkular polarisierten Welle hängt davon ab, welche Antenne vom Speisekabel und welche über die X/4-Leitung gespeist wird. Da beide Antennen durch die Phasenleitung parallel geschaltet sind, tritt am Anschlußpunkt der Speiseleitung die halbe Fußpunkt-Impedanz der Einzelantenne... read more →
Mit der Kupplung habe ich begonnen. Hier ist es notwendig eine Alu-Kostruktion schweissen zu lassen. An dem einen Ende... read more →
Das Projekt - Satelliten Funk Zu Beginn war die Frage: Was kann ich alles damit machen, welche Hardware und welche Software wird benötigt. Ziel ist es eine stationäre Satelliten Station aufzubauen. Dazu werde ich meinen Yaesu FT-847 einsetzen. Der Antennenrotor YAESU G-5500 liegt auch bereit. Diesen möchte ich über das... read more →
Practical implementation The required resistance of 50 ohms is achieved by the parallel connection of 54 Metalloxydwiderständen (Figure 1) of the series E12 with 2.7 KOhm [2] and supporting a load of 2 watts. This results in a computational capacity of about 100... read more →
Mini PA 45W Power Amplifier Yaesu FT-817ND After 3 weeks, the PA has arrived from Hong Kong in Germany. At first everything seems to be OK. Then I realized that the PL jacks had the wrong pitch. So I had to replace the 2 sockets to the right PL... read more →
There is a reason why the T network tuner has enjoyed more popularity than an L network tuner. First, the advantage to an L network tuner as opposed to a T: Because there are only two variable components, there is only one setting of each which will provide a... read more →
Icom IC-7000 with external Display There is a Jack on the back of the IC-7000 for an external Display. Pollin has a cheap Display that works fine with the IC-7000 Display Details Betriebsspannung: 9...18 V- (Hohlbuchse 5,5/2,1 mm, + innen) Stromaufnahme: max. 460 mA Auflösung: 1024x(RGB)x600 Pixel 16:9 Helligkeit:... read more →
Pico Balun - 1:1 or 4:1 Balun Kit Complementing our growing range of light-weight products, the Pico Balun is sure to be popular. A high frequency transformer using a twisted-pair transmission line gives the desirable characteristics of small size, low weight and low loss. A tiny patch-panel allows the Pico... read more →
Antenna Winder for SOTA I have spent some time searching for the ideal way of winding up antenna wire for use in the field. These special winders are just about perfect! Lightweight and with an elastic fastener to secure the wire, they are quick and easy to use. Wire winders... read more →