The 817 escort is the Ultimate Tactical Carrier for the Yaesu FT-817ND amateur radio (also fits FT-817) . It adds front panel protection, a tilting stand and quick release... read more →
Die Phasenleitung verbindet die beiden Speise-Dipole miteinander. Die Drehrichtung der zirkular polarisierten Welle hängt davon ab, welche Antenne vom Speisekabel und welche über die X/4-Leitung gespeist... read more →
[minti_headline size="fontsize-l"... read more →
Das Projekt - Satelliten Funk Zu Beginn war die Frage: Was kann ich alles damit machen, welche Hardware und welche Software wird benötigt. Ziel ist es eine stationäre Satelliten Station... read more →
Practical implementation The required resistance of 50 ohms is achieved by the parallel connection of 54 Metalloxydwiderständen (Figure 1) of the series E12... read more →
Mini PA 45W Power Amplifier Yaesu FT-817ND After 3 weeks, the PA has arrived from Hong Kong in Germany. At first everything seems to be OK. Then I realized... read more →
There is a reason why the T network tuner has enjoyed more popularity than an L network tuner. First, the advantage to an L network tuner as opposed to... read more →
Icom IC-7000 with external Display There is a Jack on the back of the IC-7000 for an external Display. Pollin has a cheap Display that works fine with the... read more →
Pico Balun - 1:1 or 4:1 Balun Kit Complementing our growing range of light-weight products, the Pico Balun is sure to be popular. A high frequency transformer using a... read more →
Antenna Winder for SOTA I have spent some time searching for the ideal way of winding up antenna wire for use in the field. These special winders are just about... read more →